
Hurstpierpoint newsHurstpierpoint news
Hurstpierpoint news
MUSICAL COFFEE MORNING: at Holy Trinity Church on Saturday 18 March from 10am to 12 noon. Enjoy a morning of relaxing and memorable music, as Ray Carpenter will be playing his keyboard, and entertaining with a variety of music from musicals and Latin American to light jazz. There will be stalls selling home made cakes, vintage items, charity cards, good as new, home made jewellery, and a special stall run by Hurstpierpoint Community Charity shop which is so missed in the village. Entrance is free, and Ray will be playing throughout the morning.

WOLSTONBURY WI: on Tuesday 21 March at 7.45pm at the Club Suite of the Village Centre welcomes the speaker Tony Turner, who will be telling the true story of Dolly Shepherd, Edwardian lady and parachutist. Enquiries phone 01273 834421 and the talk is open to all who may be interested.

NSPCC JUST JAZZ NIGHT: at Danny on Friday 24 March with Sam Nixon and Friends, doors open at 7.30 for 8pm start. Tickets from Marcus Grimes in the High Street or the organiser Gill Keith at [email protected] price £15. A fun night of live jazz in a wonderful venue, for a good cause.

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MOTHER’S UNION: holds a Ladies Breakfast on Saturday 25 March from 8.30am at the Methodist Church, Cuckfield Road. Enjoy a scrumptious full English breakfast, prepared, cooked and served by a wonderful group of men. This is the day before Mothering Sunday, so ladies prepare to be thoroughly spoilt! Followed by a talk by Revd. Debbie Beer. Tickets from Judy Leech 01273 833954, only £6 per person. What a bargain. Everyone welcome.

STORIES OF HOLY TRINITY: On Saturday 25 March at Holy Trinity Church at 11am will take place the third talk in this series of planned monthly talks and activities focusing on our beautiful Parish Church. It will be by John Norris, author of the Holy Trinity Church Guide, and his subject will be the Holy Trinity’s stained glass windows. Some of you, myself included, may have attended the first by local historian Ian Nelson together with John Norris, or the second by Ian on the Family Memorials. By looking at different aspects of the building, the aim of these talks is to consider what it meant to those who built it and those who worshipped there in the past. At the same time the hope is to reflect on what it has to say to those who come to the church today but also to the village as a whole. In May John Norris will be back to talk about the church’s Durer glass, and look out later for a writing workshop and talks focusing on some of the soldiers whose names appear on War Memorials both outside the church and in the Campion Chapel. For more information please email Miriam Patrick [email protected] or ring 01273 832657. She would also be very pleased to hear from anyone who may be willing to help with these activities, perhaps by leading a workshop or giving a talk on an area of interest relating to an aspect of the church building or church yard.

RNLI QUIZ NIGHT: The Hurstpierpoint & District branch are organizing another of their popular fun evenings on Saturday 25 March. Teams of up to six are invited to go along and pit their wits against the Quiz Master John Wilkinson. A cash bar will operate and there will be a raffle with some great prizes. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Tickets include a Ploughman’s supper and are available from Mishon Mackay, Orion News in Hassocks or any of the committee members.

HURSTPIERPOINT OPEN GARDENS: is planning another event this summer to raise funds for our local hospice, St Peter and St James on 11 June. Last year 10 residents answered the appeal to open their gardens to the public, making a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon as well as raising over £6,000. Are there any gardeners in the village who would be willing to take part this year? Perfection not sought, just interesting and varied gardens. Also bakers are in demand, as the sale of home-made cakes adds considerably to the funds raised, as does the sale of plants. Contact the organiser on 01273 835064 or 07769 904724 or look at the website

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